In week three, in small groups of our colleagues we shared our Inquiry progress, difficulties and most importantly the gems we had discovered through our Inquiry. Here are my gems as well as Andrea's which I felt was relevant to improving my practice.
My Gems 1.
‘Fun + learning + making + creativity +sharing = respect’ has evolved as a kaupapa for the Maker Space and fits within the learn, create share model. This expectation applies to everybody, especially me. I have been discussing and refining it with all classes so they can see that my respect for all students in the Maker Space comes from these values and actions.
2. I am explicitly introducing and using scientific language so Maker Space sessions complement classroom learning. Any difficult terms are discussed orally, modelled and purposefully used when experimenting. Sharing this language and photos of experiments with classroom teachers further strengthens this.
Andrea's Gems:Samoan Proverb: ‘Ia teu le Va’
Va' is the space between, the between-ness, not empty space, not space that separates but space that relates, that holds separate entities and things together in the unity-in all, the space that is context, giving meaning to things. A well known Samoan expression is ‘Ia teu le va’, cherish/nurse/care for the va, the relationships. This is crucial in communal cultures that value group, unity, and more than the individual person/creature/ thing in terms of group, in terms of va, relationships.” Albert Wendt
My gem:
When working with one another:
Teacher to student
Student to student
Teacher to teacher
Teacher to whanau
Whanau to student
Whanau to teacher
It is an act of ‘taking care of the va', the relationships’. It’s not a one way road of care - it includes both sides/ends of the va' - space between us. This includes our professionalism as educators. Our ability to cater for our learners socially, physically, spiritually and academically is all part of accelerating learning here at Pt England School. They all link, they are all part of ‘space between us’ the ‘Va’. Ia teu le va!