Week 8
Being Cybersmart (not cyber 'safe') to empower the kids as proactive digital citizens rather than protective.
Needs to be done across the school
Planning needs to be collaborative
Identify priority catagories for the school and relevant real scenarios
I really like the poster below, which all classrooms are required to display at Pt England School. Although students usually blog in their home classrooms, it is a reminder, like our school rules and Makerspace Kaupapa that we need to be positive and constructive in whatever space we are in.

Slideshow: Hapara- Making Learning Visible
"Hapara allows you to focus on teaching, not the technology.
Helps keep learners focused and organised online, building critical learning skills.
Greater visibility and access into learner work, saving teachers time every day.
Visibility into what your learners are working on, so you can provide feedback in the moment.
Easy differentiation and personalisation of learner work."
If the screen is shared on class TV in the background at random times (not naming and shaming) , kids can see that you can see them.
Slideshow: Manaiakalani Intro to Devices
- Participation
- Protection
- Every learner can participate
- Every teacher can be supported to become Digitally Fluent when all devices are the same
- Engagement through device ownership
Bring Your Own Device leads to inequity in teaching with non standard devices. It is also a nightmare for teaching with multiple devices.
My Digital Dig on using Chrome Books was a great experience in seeing how the kids use their chrome books. I am keen to use a chrome book in some of my classes so we are on the same page
We learned how to use Explain Everything on iPads as a a tool to reinforce literacy and discussed the use of the devices for recording oral language that can be replayed then transfer into written form. The device's recording settings (screen/camera/microphone) gives great opportunitues for rewindable learning for young learners.
Web site full of support, links, tips, examples and slideshows