Inquiry Focus Question:
-teaching with CAD software and machines (3D Printer and Laser Cutter) improve measurement and geometry?
-giving students with behavioural needs and low attendance a dedicated class and design mission improve social engagement?
I cannot answwr this first question as I unfortunately was unable to assess my cohort comparatively before, during and now near the end of the year as I could not collect consistent data to reach any academic conclusions.
This is directly related to the second question. My once a week, hourly class had objectively terrible attendence. This was due partly to their existing behaviour around attendance and the 9AM Monday morning timeslot, but also due to me being sick for 6 out of 20 sessions this year. Building positive class culture with students who were often defensive and hostile to each other was a priority, and one I wish I had thought about during the selection process.
Students who were enthusiastic and proud of their creativity working one on one in lunchtimes or before school were often anxious and hesitant to work on individual projects in the class, so I fliped this strategy 180 degrees and gave the the same project to work on.
I can't tell, due the inconsistancies of all of our attendance, whether that attendance at shool or in the group increased over the period. The hard data of the roll showed no patterns other than an average 50% atendance rate. some children would be away from school one week, others the next.
The anecdotal data that gives me hope and encouragement is the number of times these students have asked me after a period I have been away whether the class has been canned, or asking for a reminder for when the next session is. This shows me they value this opportunity , even if they do not participate in the most collarobative or efficient ways.
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